
Showing posts from August, 2023

Hard Men Working Hard

 Iron Age Media, August 16 Prompt A working man's a working man. Size, mass, it don't matter. Men who know their trade, know their task and know how to take orders are worth their weight in gold. The Stolok Crew, by virtue of their skill and stature, are worth double their weight. You wouldn't know it by looking, but Stolok and his men are mountain fellers. They do with a small six what it takes entire villages of men to do. Part of it is their trade: explosive making and handling is a very, very rare skill in the times they live. Assigning all the virtue to demolition would be insulting to the gnomes. Any idiot can prep and pack powder, but knowing where best to use it, where the stone is not so mighty and where gravity is willing to do the work, that requires years of training, practice and damn good cooperation. None are better than Stolok and his men, yet it takes a good deal of convincing to get serious offers. Those that know, however, are very much willi