
Showing posts from July, 2023

A Friend in the Bog

 Second submission for Iron Age. Just an FYI, proofreading is my kryptonite so if you find an error somewhere, it's not laziness, just crippling dread at having to re-read my finished work.        Climbing to the top of the Wongan tree was hard for Sven, but every time he came to it, the task was a little easier. Those were the perks of growing up. With several grunts of effort, the young boy hoists himself up the smooth bark of the tree. By now, he had memorized the handholds and he had no more fear in climbing. In fact, Sven was quite happy to do so for it meant he could meet his friend. For at the top of the Wongan tree, a creature made its home. Covered in fiery orange scales with a spine like a sawfish and bearing the countenance of a dragon from myth, the creature roosted atop the tallest tree at the edge of the Foggy Swamp. When Sven reached the top of the tall tree, he was greeted by a familiar face with a voice as cold as its eyes. "Greetings to you, o sun-headed chil